Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast: Episode 8

The Appledaiquiri, Applegator, Abdelgator, Gator, Abby, Fischer, Larionov, Nill edition of the Podcast is here. We barely fit all the juicy hockey talk into one podcast, but we managed to do it. Hold on to your butts, because we've got lots to dive into, including...

  • What I saw from Red Wings prospects Jake Paterson and Andreas Athanasiou in their OHL game that I attended. If you'd like to read the full write up, it can be found right here. 
  • Griffins update: Wins, losses, injuries, and roster moves.
  • Brief (very brief) recap of the Wings last three games (complete with sound effects from Kevin).
  • Who's qualified to make player judgements, and why it's all Kyle Quincey's fault.
  • Wings roster moves, line moves, and situation going into their 4 game Canada trip.
  • What we expect from the Wings upcoming road trip.

Ok, we've done 8 of these bad boys now, and Kevin and I are still pretty new to this gig. We're pretty sure at least one person listens to these (Hi Sprout!) and we would very much like to get make our product better. That's where y'all come in. We would appreciate feedback and yes, even constructive criticism so that we can continue to improve. You can e-mail us at Bluelinepatrol@gmail.com and let us know what you think, and what we can do to improve. We promise not to throw flaming poo at you if you have criticisms. This has been a message from quality control, now back to your regularly scheduled podcast.

The podcast is available for your listening pleasure here ---> Episode 8

If you'd like to hit us up on Twitter, we can be found here Kevin and here Michelle.  You can also follow the Blue Line Patrol Twitter feed @BlueLinePatrol 

Let's Go Red Wings!!! Let's Go Griffins!!! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast: Episode 7

Welcome to the WOOOOOuellet episode of the podcast. Kevin and I tried to keep our Ouellet and DeKeyser excitement contained, but that's asking a lot.We had a lot to cover and not a lot of time, so here we go! In this episode we've got...

  • Brief recaps from Colorado and Phoenix, the McLeod hit on Kronwall, Riggy making us proud, what missing Kronwall means to the team.
  • Danny Mother Frking DeKeyser!
  • Xavier Ouellet (WOOOOUELLET!): Amazing? or incredibly amazing?
  • What we learned against San Jose: Our young defense is better than a lot of people gave them credit for. 
  • Kevin and I attended the Grand Rapids Griffins home opener. What happened, who looked good, who will eat your face off, and oh yeah, Ouellet Ouelletwalled someone and it was amazing.
  • Darren Helm saga and what the Wings roster looks like in the near future. 
  • And more Ouellet and DeKeyser talk. These guys are very, very special players.

The podcast is available for your listening pleasure here ---> Episode 7

Here's the marvelous, wonderful, amazing, fantastic [insert other synonyms here] video of Ouellet knocking Joe Thornton on his assterisk.

And here's a sample of things to come.. a mini Ouelletwalling as Ouellet hits Andrew Desjardins.

You can also find more Griffins (and other Wings Prospects) details (box score, highlights, in game observations, etc...) here in my prospects report on Winging it in Motown.

We hope you enjoy the podcast and always welcome suggestions. If you'd like to hit us up on Twitter, we can be found here Kevin and here Michelle. You can send us an e-mail to Bluelinepatrol@gmail.com.
You can also follow the Blue Line Patrol Twitter feed @BlueLinePatrol 

Let's Go Red Wings!!! Let's Go Griffins!!! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast: Episode 6

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to a special early episode of the Blue Line Patrol Podcast. In honor of the Wings playing a matinee game that most of us couldn't watch because we were at work (no I'm not bitter), Kevin (who did get to see the game.... jerk (just kidding, he's awesome*)) and I have an early edition of the podcast ready to pump you up. There's lots to talk about, including...

  • The good, the bad, and the beautiful from the Phoenix, Philly, and Boston games.
  • My dog gives his input about the Phoenix game (he was so disgusted that he couldn't hold back)
  • Roster and line changes, for the good, or for the better
  • Who's looked really good so far, and who's just being a pain in the ass
  • Luke Mother Frking Glendening
  • How about those power play goals eh?
  • The Mini-Wings (Griffins)
  • The Mini-mini Wings? Anthony Mantha and Jake Paterson signed entry level contracts
  • Some context to Mantha's performace so far and why tempered expectations are appropriate
  • Why there's reason to be more excited about Paterson than his stats indicate

The podcast is available for your listening pleasure here ---> Episode 6

We hope you enjoy the podcast and always welcome suggestions. If you'd like to hit us up on Twitter, we can be found here Kevin and here Michelle. You can send us an e-mail to Bluelinepatrol@gmail.com.
You can also follow the Blue Line Patrol Twitter feed @BlueLinePatrol 

Let's Go Red Wings!!! Let's Go Griffins!!! 

*not edited by Kevin

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

GOAL ANALYSIS: Datsyuk Being Datsyuk

Haven't done a Goal Analysis post in a while, so it's time to change that.  Michelle suggested I break down the Pavel Datsyuk goal from the opening game against Buffalo, and I thought it was a fantastic idea.  Without further ado...ALLONS-Y!!

Here's the goal in video form:

(Sorry, I'm new to BlogSpot and don't know how to make the video bigger, but I digress)
Here's how the Wings start:
Buffalo dumps the puck in and (presumably) goes for a change.  Kronwall gets the puck from Howard while Hank and Pav circle back and give Kronwall options on the right side with very light pressure from Buffalo.  Ericsson is on the left circle skating towards the blue line with plenty of speed.  Abdelkader is waiting near the Buffalo blue line, to spread out the Buffao defense and to give the Wings a stretch pass/long tip-in option.  This looks very similar to when breaking out on a power play (and playing Buffalo is like being on a power play).

Datsyuk gets the puck from Kronwall and sends it to Big E skating on the left side.  The Buffalo player on the red line is caught flat footed so E kinda just goes right around him.  Ericsson will approach the blue line, and that's when things get....interesting.
Ericsson kind of loses the puck and smashes through the Buffalo defender.  Pretty...normal, I guess?  Abdelkader is doing his job on the boards of not going offside and then taking away the boards (yes, the forwards purposely do this to make the defense put the puck up the middle because sometimes Datsyuk takes the pass and scores SPOILERS!).  Abby will see E continue to chase the puck, so he holds up and does the right defensive thing:
The Buffalo defenseman gets to the puck first.  Ericsson continues on his rampage and forces the player to just clear it quickly.  You can see Abby on the bottom of the screen, holding the boards and taking away the pass to the Buffalo right wing.  The defenseman is going to try and bank one off the boards, but...umm....yeah, about that:
So, yeah.  The Buffalo d-man banked the puck off the boards and thought it'd be an easy out.  Nooooope.  You can see the forward up high turned to chase the puck and then saw Pav get it and is now in some weird position of trying to get back but inertia is a thing so good luck with that.
And here's where the magic happens. Datsyuk gets the puck just above the top of the circle and drives towards the net.  The two Buffalo players on the left side take Abby because....?  Yeah I don't get it either.  The Buffalo player in front has to a possible pass to E in case E was going for a pass, but Riggy maybe just sorta kinda got in the way of him so Datsyuk could have a clean shot.  I think we all know what happens next and I don't need to post another pic...but I want to so here it is!

And there you have it, folks.  In conclusion:
  • Buffalo had minimal pressure, allowing the Wings to break out with relative ease
  • Ericsson is a pretty good skater and likes to smash people
  • Abdelkader closing off the boards forced Buffalo to use the middle of the ice
  • Pavel Datsyuk exists
If you have another goal you'd like me to break down, yell at me on the twitter (@KevinN37).  While you're at it, bug Michelle ( @Slapshotg0al ) and hit us up at @BlueLinePatrol or bluelinepatrol@gmail.com because nobody has sent us an email yet and that makes me sad.  Make me happy, Wings fans!
Until next time, GO WINGS!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast: Episode 5 "Lidstrom Forever"

We have a special podcast for y'all tonight/today/whenever you're listening to it. In honor of The Perfect Human, we give you "The Perfect but not nearly as perfect as Lidstrom" Podcast. There's a ton of hockey going on and Kevin and I have the high points, and in one case a not so high point. Get your listen on as we discuss:

  • The good and bad of the Wings first three games of the season. Who looked good, who looked... not so good, and who's filling some new roles.
  • Special teams: looking good, or extra special?
  • Henrik Zetterberg- Super Human, Super Hero, Man who can will a game into submission, our Captain.
  • The Griffins exciting start to their season and who's been impressive so far and some of the new players who give us tingly feeling in our nether regions.
  • A couple of Wings prospects elsewhere around the world who are kicking butt and taking names. Watch out for these guys in the near future.
  • Bonus: If you had a TARDIS, how how would it affect/change /your hockey lives? Let us know in the comments or on twitter, and find out what Kevin and I would do.  
  • And many bonus extras and gems. Hopefully you're laughing with us and not at us... Or you can laugh at us, that works too. 

This it our best podcast yet, so we hope you enjoy it. Prepare yourselves!

The podcast is available for your listening pleasure here ---> Episode 5

We hope you enjoy the podcast and always welcome suggestions. If you'd like to hit us up on Twitter, we can be found here Kevin and here Michelle. You can send us an e-mail to Bluelinepatrol@gmail.com.
You can also follow the Blue Line Patrol Twitter feed @BlueLinePatrol 

Let's Go Red Wings!!! Let's Go Griffins!!! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast 5 - Listener Participation

Hey all, Kevin here.  Michelle and I are going to record and publish the 5th episode of the BLP podcast on Tuesday (Oct 8th), and have a question for everybody.

What would you change in your hockey world if you had a TARDIS?

The one and only rule - you cannot change fixed points in time.  This means saying "I would make the Wings win the game against..." and things like that are not allowed.

Tennant Forever
If you don't know what a TARDIS is/does - it's used in Doctor Who and The Doctor uses it to travel through space and time.

Time And Relative Dimension In Space.

Tweet at us @BlueLinePatrol and let us know what you'd change in your hockey world if you had a TARDIS.  You can always email us: bluelinepatrol@gmail.com since not a single person has done so yet and that makes me :((((((((((((((((((((((.  We'll read some/all of them on the podcast and you can feel cool about that.  Because hockey podcasts are the best.

Look forward to tomorrow.  GO WINGS!!

Michelle: @Slapshotg0al
Kevin: @Kevin37

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blue Line Patrol Podcast: Episode 4

Happy start of Hockey season!! How good does it feel to have hockey start on time this year instead of bouncing back and forth between uncontrollable rage and shedding bitter tears while rocking back and forth in the corner? Oh, that was just me? You liars! Rejoice fellow hockey addicts, for the NHL season has begun. In honor of this most joyous occasion, Kevin and I are proud to present for your pleasure, a brand spanking new episode of the Blue Line Patrol Podcast. Wherein we talk about...

  • Cory Emmerton and his waiver saga
  • Gustav Nyquist and his adventures to Griffinland
  • How Tomas Tatar needs to grab his opportunity in the lineup and hump it into submission
  • Wings injured and long term injured players and how the LTIR and the salary cap/CBA don't make a lick of sense
  • Opening Wings lineup, both real and fantasy, and all about the PP.
  • Along with some other top secret stuff that we can't even tell you about here; you'll just have to listen and find out.

The podcast is available for your listening pleasure here ---> Episode 4

Click the link here for the Capgeek article Kevin mentioned that breaks down how LTIR and salary cap relief work. -->

We hope you enjoy the podcast and always welcome suggestions. If you'd like to hit us up on Twitter, we can be found here Kevin and here Michelle. You can send us an e-mail to Bluelinepatrol@gmail.com.
You can also follow the Blue Line Patrol Twitter feed @BlueLinePatrol 

Let's Go Red Wings!!! Let's Go Griffins!!!